When looking for a place to work away from home, finding a quick fix is easy. Almost every city in the world offers improvised workspaces in some form, be it a library, a hamburger restaurant or a local coffee place. And sure, for a while you probably save some cash, get some work done and feel a slight sensation of victory. Until the feeling of disappointment kicks in and you realise you’ve made a terrible mistake…
The cost of coffee
The reason for this is simple: the downsides outweigh the benefits, and not slightly either. First of all, you’re not actually saving all that much on cash. For most of these places, you have to be a paying customer to make use of the facility. Unless you’re drinking coffee or eating burgers until 5pm each and every day, that won’t be the case for most of the time. That’s where the price tag comes in. Prices may vary, but continuously ordering coffees and snacks isn’t cheap. You’ll end up spending more on food than you’d honestly want to. And even though places like libraries may not require you to pay, there are more factors weighing in that just money.
The productivity killer
Which brings us to the second point: productivity suffers with more distractions. And that’s an issue with so many of those around. The constant sound of customers walking in, groups of kids, crying babies, less-than ideal temperatures, and the list goes on. When your job requires you to focus on an important task, these distractions are your kryptonite. Especially if that important task has you making important phone calls.
The bar fight
If these things don’t affect your morale to work, you might be pretty safe. If you can deal with shoddy WiFi of course. Nothing’s more frustrating than having no bars. Or worse, having bars but nothing’s happening. If your works allows you to work at one of these places, odds are you need to have operational WiFi. Unfortunately, not all public places offer the speed necessary to make your business run smoothly – if it runs at all.
The solution
Luckily, there are places that can disregard all of the problems above. A place that you can call your homebase, regardless of what city you find yourself in. And sure, it costs more money initially, but as the quality of your environment is raised, so do your results. You’ll find yourself looking for a place that allows you to make the most of your precious time. A place where the coffee is good, but optional. A place that lets you eat a salad that doesn’t include fries. A place that doesn’t seem to have a class of fourth-graders running around at all times. And the list goes on. Think safety and security issues, connectivity, having a place where you can hold an important meeting and so on.
All of our locations include all of the above. Including the brand-new location of Spaces Keizersgracht. A place that allows you to reach peak productivity in an environment of professionals, suited to supply you with everything that you might ever need. Located conveniently on one of Amsterdam’s canals, accessibility isn’t an issue with a metro station around the corner. Take a look inside, have a cup of our killer coffee on us, and give it a try for a day. You’ll find that it’s worth it.
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