Will we still be using our plastic bank pass for payment in two years – or will this be completely replaced by an app? What is the future of savings, now that the bank’s interests are nearing the zero? And with the younger people disrupting the traditional banking sector the question arises: will banks still play a role in the future? In other words: what awaits us?
The world of FinTech is changing rapidly – it’s hard to keep tabs on the latest developments and trends. Don’t worry– that’s where we come in. With over 500 FinTech brands, the Netherlands is a global powerhouse in financial innovation. So, how do FinTech start-ups and scale-ups thrive in a market with rapidly changing consumer demands, as well as high competition levels and strict regulations? And how do traditional banks go about this? High time for a new edition of Amsterdam Talks Tech! What to expect?
Open banking technology: from gig to big
We’re proud to present Conny Dorrestijn to the stage at the next edition of Amsterdam Talks Tech. Conny is listed on the list of 50 Most Influential Women in Fintech and she’s the founding partner at BankiFi. This queen of tech has over 25 years of experience in marketing and business development roles in the international financial technology industry. Until December 2017 she was responsible for global payments marketing at FIS. In January 2018 she founded BankiFi (UK/NL) together with Mark Hartley, whose vision on the future of Open Banking serves as the main strategy for this consent centric “from Gig to Big” Open Business Banking technology company. A new way to provide a business solution for everyone; from self-employed and microbusinesses to internationally operating enterprises.
Is traditional banking soon to be history?
It is safe to say that the disruption of FinTech rapidly reshapes the traditional banking industry. By the rise of this new financial technology (FinTech) that was inspired by the banking crisis in 2008, new, quicker and easier ways of investing and lending money came to life. This means traditional banks will have to adjust to the changing dynamics of the financial industry in order to survive. With this, a new generation of consumers with high standards for online financial products, such as a stable and secure banking app, high-quality services and attractive terms and conditions, came to life. During this event we provide a close look at how this will continue to impact banking, going forward.
The digital transformation in finance
Joran Ledema, Founder of Dyme, will be one of our guest speakers at Amsterdam Talks Tech. Dyme is an app that tracks your monthly fixed costs automatically (and free of charge). Ledema has a background in Data and Computer Science. ‘I believe that API’s, Big Data and Machine Learning will be significant drivers of societal and economic change in the coming decades’, the innovative entrepreneur says. Another experienced, successful innovator within this industry is Rutger Beens, Founder of investment app Peaks; ‘the easiest way to invest your money’ as they promise you in their slogan. And it actually is, since anyone can invest as much – or as little as your small pocket change money. This makes it possible for everyone to invest as much and as risky as you like. Beens is specialized in product and process design and architecture and technology and he founded Peaks in 2015, together with Sijbrand Tieleman, Tom Arends and the Rabobank. And he’ll be there on the 20th to talk about the digital dynamic changes of today.
The future of payments transformation
The battle for the consumer is here. Millennials and Generation Z are largely influenced by the easy use of technology in general. Think contactless payments via phones or money transfers via fingerprints – the question remains – will existing payment structures get overruled by disruptive payments transformation eventually? Guido Vermeent, CEO at Payconiq, believes that anyone should be able to pay by smartphone, whenever, wherever. Payconiq is an app that makes it possible to pay in stores, webshops and also do payments among friends. Will banks even stand a chance?
Richard Straver, Founder of Online Paymentplatform, will also be joining us the 20th to talk about all the possibilities of online payments. Online Paymentplatform is a specialized payment service provider that makes easy payment possible across various platforms and online marketplaces. From startup to scale-up, and working their way into Silicon Valley, Richard has seen it all.
And last, but definitely not least, we are honoured to welcome Bernadette Wijnings, CFO of Blanco, as our guest speaker this evening. Wijnings is one of the three co-founders of Blanco; a KYC (Know Your Client) platform for financial institutions. ‘We develop FinTech solutions that save time and money, but that incorporate the human factor as well: instead of being imposed on people, our technology serves people’ as it states in their strong manifesto. Wijnings will, among other topics, elaborate on financial inclusion and why they’re not tech, but people focused.
Don’t miss out
Want to stay on top of the trends and rapidly changes within the digital transformation? Make sure you join us on Wednesday, January 20th to discuss the exciting future of FinTech, with the best FinTech entrepreneurs and professionals our country has to offer. Gather your colleagues, co-workers and friends and don’t forget to sign up.
Tickets for members are €15 ex VAT // Regular €17.50 ex VAT.
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