Punctuality shows, in many eyes, professionalism. But what if tardiness is your middle name? Well, good news for those who always seem to fight the clock: chances are you’ll thrive. And you have science by your side. A research by the San Diego State University ran by psychology professor Jeff Conte, shows that being late actually has its benefits. Feel like you’re always late? Don’t sweat it – here are 4 reasons why.
Outshine the punctual minds with your creativity
According to the study, it appears that tardy people are a Type B person. This means that you’re likely to be more creative, reflective and explorative. Conte separated two types of persons during his study: Type A (ambitious, competitive) and Type B (creative, explorative). During the research, he asked his participants to tell him when one minute has passed in order to test their perception of time. Type A stated the minute had passed after an average of 58 seconds, whereas Type B considered a minute had gone by after 77 seconds. Type B individuals will not let time influence their mood or creativity. They appear more adaptable and get an A+ in problem-solving. Well, sounds like a pretty great person to us.
You’re a true optimist
When you’re asked to finish a crazy long to-do list with way too many tasks in way too little time, chances are your response might be: ‘sure thing!’ This might mean you’re not a pro in estimating the right amount of time a certain task may take you, but let’s be clear: there’s definitely not a shortage of optimism here. Good news: optimism is great for your health… we say: just keep reading.
Why being late is good for your health
A Harvard study shows that optimism is good for your health and that optimists tend to live longer and healthier. The research shows that optimism also appears to protect the heart and circulation, mainly because optimists are more relaxed in life and tend to not get as stressed-out as their pessimistic counterparts. So, less stress-related health issues for you.
It means you’re living in the moment
Chronic tardiness is seen as a bit of a bad habit, but we tend to look for the silver lining. Research shows that forever-late-comers go through life more relaxed and easy-going. They have a lower stress-level, which drives us right back to the healthier lifestyle mentioned above. The tardy don’t live by the minute, they’d rather look at the bigger picture. Actually, like most successful entrepreneurs do. Moreover, being less aware of passing time makes you live in the moment, without anything distracting you. We’d say that’s a pretty nice trait to have in a hectic world like ours.
Of course, we would advise you to be on time for your appointments – whenever you can. But it turns out, there’s nothing wrong with your life of lateness, every now and then. Studies show you’ll have a happier, healthier and longer life. So, next time you gaze at the clock and can already tell you’re running late: just breathe. It’s not the end of the world.
Check out all the Spaces locations you can thrive at and step in to the office as late as you like.
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