We’re going all things foodie this month with the return of our Amsterdam Talks Tech: The Food Edition. Learn how to launch a kick-ass crowdfunding campaign. Crowdfunding is a great way to jumpstart and market your food startup projects – but only if it’s done well. Close to 60% of all crowdfundng campaigns fail. There is a science to running a successful campaign and it all starts with preparation, before you even click the start button.
Follow these ten steps to create a kick-ass food tech crowdfunding campaign:
1. Learn how to cultivate and activate your tribe to create pre-launch buzz
2. Research PR and marketing strategy to establish pre-launch media hype
3. Craft a compelling crowdfunding page: synthesising the balance between a solid business plan and effective story
4. Get creative: You will need a killer promo video, so learn to shoot on any budget.
5. Set up your campaign goals, stretch goals and rewards.
6. Develop a communications strategy for during and after your campaign.
7. Understand fulfilment costs, logistics and best practices
8. Determine which crowdfunding platform is right for you
9. Learn how to build the right team from small to large budgets
10. Finally, walk away with a crowdfunding strategy
Research these top tips for everything you need to launch a kick-ass crowdfunding campaign, from planning and creating buzz before you launch, to learning how to keep momentum strong in backer growth, to immediate post-campaign logistics.
Check out Food and Tech Connect for more inspiration on how to startup in the ag, food & tech industry.
Are you interested in the food tech revolution? Get your tickets to Amsterdam Talks Tech VI, where we will be featuring guest speakers from some of the most pioneering food companies to come out of the Netherlands.