Start the day as you mean to go on. 30 minutes of zen whilst yoga-ing on the the roof might be the start to your morning that you never knew you needed. A fresh trim may be in order, to help you sign the client you’ve been chasing for the last two months. Not to mention that jacket you’ve been meaning to take to the dry cleaner’s ahead of your cousin’s wedding.
Making every hour of the day count
Despite all the self help websites, recommendations and delightful words of encouragement from people like ourselves to help improve your day and how to better utilise your time, there often just isn’t enough time in the day. Juggling a walk & talk meeting whilst scoffing your lunch and trying to make your way to the laundrette is never ideal. Each of our locations as equipped with in-house or pop up services that allow you offload some of your chore like jobs in work, whilst you work.
A better version of you
Look good feel great. Feel good and work even better. Whether you’re utilising the partnerships we have with local companies or making the most of the help we offer to cater to your healthy foodie business needs then we’re pretty certain we’ve got whatever it is your after on lock. Little changes to your day can result in big and positive changes to your lifestyle, all of which is going to result in a healthy mind and a healthier workforce. Fancy discounted gym memberships? Maybe a salsa lesson to rest the brain and train the booty, and a trim before Wednesday’s brunch? We work together with businesses local to your Spaces location to make sure you can make the most of your day.
Disguise your daydream
It may be quite obvious that we’re a big fan of how things look which is why we believe that a nice aesthetic should extend further than our business clubs. We crave inspiration for the small and mighty as well as the big and ambitious. Our art work plays a central role in our eye candy obsession. We want to keep your brains stimulated, your offices instagrammable and your 3pm dead-pan gaze disguised as an art indulged fascination. So we offer discounted art at most of our locations, and partner with museums to keep you ticking.
In each of our locations, there’s much more than meets the eye. Each location is cultivated with a hand picked selection of top-picks and perks to better your day. We’d hate for them to go unnoticed, so check out what’s available in your city, right here.