With our next edition of Amsterdam talks Tech: VR edition coming up, we’d like to introduce you to one of the speakers. Daniel Doornink of VRBASE; an incubator/co-working space, accelerator program/fund and experimental content studio.
Daniel started his career at a large Dutch corporate (ING) where he gained lots of hands-on experience with Scrum, Agile and Lean Startup techniques. He puts his experience to good use mentoring start-ups at Rockstart in Amsterdam and has been involved in their smart energy accelerator program. Spring 2014 he started the Dutch virtual reality community bringing together everyone passionate about VR in the Netherlands. A year later he organised the first European meet-up at NUMA in Paris, uniting the Dutch, German, Belgian and French communities. In august 2015 he joined the Parisian-based startup VideoStitch as their VP Strategic Partnerships.
Recently he founded VRBASE in Amsterdam with the goal of uniting the several physical hotspots in Europe and to create a true VR/AR ecosystem. It will formally launch the 3rd of October in both Amsterdam and Berlin. Daniel is always up for the opportunity to talk and educate people on the world of VR.
Want to get a bit of the passionate vibe from Daniel for VR? Sign-up for Amsterdam talks Tech: Virtual Reality.
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