Meet Tomek. He’s responsible for leading our Mindful Mondays at Spaces Surrey Hills, Australia. Mindfulness can function as a stress-antidote, but it’s also very much a creativity and focus enhancing drug. Sometimes less is truly more, this certainly applies to Tomek and his way of working.
Brain training
His main interest lies in cognitive fitness, which can be summarised as Fitness First for the brain. This interest has transformed Tomek’s personal and professional life thoroughly. After he developed his skills as a scientist by working in laboratories across the world for almost a decade, he started a business of his own. It’s safe to say that Synergy Lab, the company he founded, is based upon this transformation. They run trainings and workshops for both companies and individuals who wish to improve their stress management skills, resilience, focus, and general wellbeing through the training of the mind. Tomek’s ability to read people is what makes him the right man for the job, as this is key to see what each individual needs in order to grow.
Connecting the unexpected
According to Steve Jobs, creativity is connecting things. Synergy Lab is based on this philosophy, as it establishes a connection between science and meditation, much like Tomek himself. He turns to people, nature and his meditation practice as a source of inspiration, so all he needs to do his job, is having an open mind, an ability to change, and the ability to keep focus on the task at hand. And maybe a meditation app called Insight Timer, where he publishes his programs. That’s definitely a solid combination of science and meditation.
The golden rules
His rules to live by are quite simple; Silence is golden, and misery is optional. Two golden rules that apply to our Spaces community as well, as mutual respect and understanding are vital to keep it all going. When asked what the ‘community feel’ means for him, the reply was simple: Non-judgmental togetherness. And isn’t that what we all want in life?
If you’re curious to meet Tomek, he’s always available at our Mindful Mondays from 8:30am to 9:30am, so don’t be a stranger and pop on by.