At the heart of many debates among us digital nomads is the rise of independent working. Whether you take this to mean that you work in a way which you are your own boss, or you set some time aside to work in your own space, both options are taking giant steps in offices all over the world.
A step forward
Gone are the days in which offices encouraged their workers to work around the same clock. Banished are the design motives to keeping employees captured in designated spots, working away like ants to the norms and wants of their bosses. Although in some cultures it’s taking a while to emerge, it’s undeniable that flexibility in the work space is becoming more of a thing. Although working well in a team is admirable, the way in which the working world is going, encourages us to improve on our skills to work independently. Be it taking 30 minutes to switch up your workstation, or working on a solo project the benefits of being able to control your own work, time and your own headspace is often admired.
It’s up to you
Just because you’re in a team of 10 doesn’t mean to say you can’t work on your own. It’s often very easy to slide into the demands of society. Sure, conforming to other’s expectations and needs can often get you far, and the praise but it can often impede your own fulfilment. How you manage your time within your team is completely up to you and taking a back seat to concentrate on a project away from the dreary white noise of your colleagues can be a good idea every now and again. On the opposite side of the table there are freelancers. Back in the day people often thought quite negatively towards freelancers. ‘Oh she just works when she wants’ alluding to the idea that freelancers don’t have ‘real’ jobs that require dedication. But in reality this couldn’t be further from the truth. Being a freelancer means you have to have a sincere vision of what you want, and what your clients want. You have to adjust your agenda ensuring no one looses out, and although you’re technically you’re own man, you of course have to meet the demands of those employing you too.
Best of both worlds
The increase of the lone ranger in the workplace has had an adverse affect on the market. Co-working spaces are popping up here there and everywhere, management and planning programmes are available at the click of a button and your colleagues can be invited to chat over Skype or hop around your work locations to see you. Working on your own no longer isolates you so you can still feel part of a team wherever you are. In the same respect, if you’re not quite ready to follow suit, and working in a team is better for you, you can still make small changes do your routine to allow yourself some time aside.
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