What’s happening at Spaces in week 17


One of the key factors that make Spaces such a great place to work at, has to be the variety of events happening all over the globe. Whether you’re looking for a good workout, exercises for the mind or simply to have a good time with your friends and colleagues from work, we’ve got you covered.  Here’s what’s on the event menu between April 22nd until April 26th.

Informative meetups

april 25&26 // Start-up Convention // Spaces orbi Tower, vienna

Level up and take your company to the next level with Boost your business. All you have is an idea? No problem! Ask the experts and get ready to start.

During this convention, you’ll find keynotes and workshops that will help you and your company succeed. Starting with online marketing, business building and leadership, to brand awareness and social media positioning. Experts in these fields will be at your disposal for questions, feedback and new ideas. Afterwards, there’s an after party that lets you connect with other brands to expand your network.

April 26 // Biz bootcamp: instagram intensive // spaces chase tower, Chevy Chase MD

This Instagram Intensive at Spaces Chase Tower located in Chevy Chase, MD, is a 3 hour in-person bootcamp which provides tips, tools and strategies to help you up your Instagram game. See you there.

coached events


APril 24 // hsbc ask me anything // spaces wai yip street, hong kong

Have questions about how to set up accounts in Hong Kong? Employee insurance or even your MPF? HSBC will be sending their representatives to come over to help you answer those questions or more if you have them. Join us and ask away.

april 24 // professional growth // spaces eur laurentina, rome

When working on your professional and personal development, being aware of the available methodologies offers an important competitive advantage. Join this meetup, as Antonio Cecere deals with the subject of personal and professional growth, with tools that you can apply immediately after. Join us and enlighten yourself.

April 24 // dream jobs // spaces near north side, chicago

Craft a job you love, from the one you already have. Join us to learn from Dr. Benjamin Ritter how to create our dream job. Because if you love what you do, you don’t work a day in your life.

april 26 // crazy rich tourists // spaces empire tower, bangkok

Join us for a workshop on cross-border advertising for Chinese tourism. You’ll learn about various topics, such as the Chinese advertising ecosystem, cross border commerce and tips to advertise your brand to Chinese tourists. Get ready for three hours of words and stuff! Only 30 seats are available for this workshop.


breakfast session


april 22 // tea time at spaces // spaces el bosque norte 200, santiago

Join us for delicious tea time. Enjoy this certification workshop by Tea Talk with Kathia Galaz, and learn much more about your favourite beverage.



april 23 // happy sant jordi // spaces 22 arroba, barcelona

On April 23rd, it’s the most important day for culture, society and love in Catalonia. For this year’s St. Jordi, we decided to place a sharing point for books, where you can place books that you no longer want and take those you want to read.

april 25 // byob night // spaces davis square, Somerville TX

Take a moment to unwind with your Spaces neighbours. We will provide snacks for this BYOB event (that means bring your own booze!). Cheers!

april 26 // Kingsday pre-drinks // spaces zuidas, amsterdam

We’re celebrating the King’s b’day, the party of the year in The Netherlands. It’ll be full-on orange madness for these Monthly Drinks, as we bring you typical Dutch snacks such as delicious bitterballen, and of course by enjoying our liquid gold: beer. Proost!

That’s all for this week, but we’ve got plenty more awesome events coming up this month. Check out our full calendar of events right here

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